Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant

Kidney failure is a disease that develops when the body accumulates water, urea, creatinine, uric acid, and other harmful substances. Kidneys are one of the organs with the most blood exchange. For these reasons, if the kidneys become diseased and become disabled, Kidney Failure occurs and these functions cannot be performed. For a variety of reasons, the kidneys are irreversibly damaged and unable to function.

Kidney transplantation is performed with healthy kidneys taken from cadavers (dead people) or living donors. In our country, transplantation is mostly carried out with kidneys taken from living relative donors.

Although most kidney transplant recipients are between the ages of 45 and 65, there is actually no upper age limit.

Most people spend about three days in the hospital after a kidney transplant. This way, your medical team can monitor you closely and make sure you're getting better.

Kidney Transplant’s Procedure:

This intricate process, done with care and accuracy, includes several critical steps:

Before surgery Review: Living donors and recipients are thoroughly medically evaluated in order to assess their overall well-being and medical suitability.

Surgical Preparation: Following admission to the hospital, patients undergo the necessary preparatory procedures. If necessary, living donors are thoroughly evaluated to ensure their eligibility for donation.

Anaesthesia and Incision: Patients are sedated before a minor incision is made in the lower part of the abdomen. The diseased kidney may sometimes be removed. Living donors receive anesthetic before to making a tiny incision.

Implantation: The recipient's pelvis is carefully positioned to accept the healthy donor kidney. The ureter is attached to the recipient's bladder, and veins from the donor's kidney are connected to the recipient's own blood vessels. With restored blood flow, the transplanted kidney can begin filtering waste and excess fluid from the recipient's bloodstream.

Following Care: Patients are initially watched in the intensive care unit before being transferred to a conventional VIP Internatıonal foreign patients hospital room. Living donors spend less time in the hospital and are constantly monitored throughout their recovery.

Who can't be a living donor for a kidney transplant?

·       Under 18 years of age

·       Individuals with hypertension (>140/90 mmHg) or who take antihypertensive medications.

·       Diabetics

·       Proteinuria (250 mg/24 hours)

·       History of recurring kidney stones

·       Low GFR (<80 mL/min)

·       Microscopic hematuria.

·       Urologic abnormalities in the kidney

·       Individuals with a severe medical condition (chronic lung illness, newly diagnosed cancer)

·       Obesity (those whose body weight exceeds 305 percent of the ideal body weight)

·       History of thrombosis or thromboembolism.

·       Individuals with psychiatric diseases

·       Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and renal disease are all significantly linked in the family history.


What is a crossover transplant?

This procedure is reserved for patients who do not have a blood type-compatible donor among their relatives. If a related donor offers to donate a kidney despite incompatibility with the ABO, the incompatible donor and receiver are matched with another incompatible pair at organ transplant centers, assuming tissue compatibility is taken into account.


For example, a related donor with Blood Type B of a receiver with Blood Type A provides kidneys to another patient with Blood Type B, whilst the second patient's donor with Blood Type A donates kidneys to the first.