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I am a doctor myself. There is a genetic liver disease in my family. I also have liver cancer. My nephew from my family wanted to be a donor for me. However, they said that there would be no compatible donor after the tests. Prof. Dr. Sezai YILMAZ is a well-known surgeon in my country. I have heard about his successes many times. When my nephew could not be a compatible donor for me, we wanted to go to Malatya, get an opinion from Dr. Sezai and have a crossover liver transplant. Elif, the patient coordinator, welcomed us at the airport. Since the most important thing for patients is to relax and make them feel good, Elif is very good at this. All our appointments were made before we arrived. We were immediately accommodated in our hotel. The next morning, all the tests were performed for my nephew and me. We donated blood, did all the tests such as ECG and ECO. We were added to the crossover donor pool in the evening. We learned that a suitable donor was found for my nephew and me 3 days later. While the transplant preparations were being made, we stayed in the VIP patient room from abroad on the 13th floor of the hospital. They had reserved a suite room for us. And all of this was in the package, unbelievable. My nephew will be a donor to someone else, and someone else from his pool who was compatible with me became a donor to me. In this way, even if we had an incompatible donor, we were able to have a liver transplant thanks to this pool. The operation was successful. My nephew was discharged in 1 week. I was discharged in about 1.5 months. The patient care rooms were operated with a card. They were very meticulous about hygiene. Food was delivered every morning, noon and evening. Elif was always there to help us with the language, and Sibel would reach the doctor if there was a problem. As a doctor myself, if you have liver disease or need a transplant, and you cannot find a compatible donor, this hospital will be a ray of hope for you. First of all, I would like to thank Professor Sezai, his entire team, Elif and Sibel from the HTURK foreign patient unit, and all the hospital staff and nurses. I owe my second life to you.

У моей дочери была диагностирована печеночная недостаточность. Я не подходил ей как донор. Мы посетили много больниц в Москве и Крыму, но решения не нашли. Приехали в Стамбул, но и там не нашли подходящего лечения. Наконец, наш родственник посоветовал нам поехать в Малатью. Он упомянул, что в Малатье существует система перекрестной пересадки печени (система пересадки печени с парами), благодаря которой можно найти подходящего донора. Мы сразу связались с HTURK. Через неделю мы приехали в Малатью. В день нашего приезда мы встретились с профессором доктором Сезаи Йылмазом и были включены в пул доноров. Примерно через 10 дней был найден подходящий донор для моей дочери. Мы прошли через операцию по перекрестной пересадке печени на семь пар. 7 реципиентов и 7 доноров, всего 14 человек были прооперированы одновременно.Я стал донором для другого человека, а для моей дочери нашелся другой подходящий донор. Мы узнали, что это первое такое событие в мире. Это невероятно. Мы участвовали в такой операции, и моя дочь выздоровела. После операции мы провели 2 дня в отделении интенсивной терапии. Затем нас перевели в отдельные палаты на 40-дневный курс лечения и ухода. Я благодарен за все. У моей дочери до операции кожа и глаза были желтыми, теперь она выглядит очень здоровой. Я могу с уверенностью сказать, что мы нашли исцеление благодаря HTURK. Эта больница очень большая, врачи и медсестры готовы помочь вам в любое время. Вы заслуживаете самых больших благодарностей и уважения.

Suvade T******
I came here to study from abroad. I applied to this hospital for a routine check-up. I was a little worried since I was alone, but I had a very pleasant check-up experience with the translator Elif and the responsible lady Sibel from the international patient department of HTURK. I underwent checks in every conceivable area and consulted with doctors. Everything was taken care of in one day. The advice given by the doctors was invaluable to me. Especially their very sincere approach made me feel extremely comfortable. I will use the services of HTURK throughout my study year.

Maria V******
Hallo, mein Sohn ist 4 Jahre alt. Er hatte Probleme mit der Sprache und dem Sprechen. In unserer Heimatstadt haben wir keine zufriedenstellende Behandlung gefunden. Wir haben immer gehört, wie fortschrittlich die Gesundheitsversorgung in der Türkei ist, deshalb wollten wir ihn während unseres Urlaubs in der Türkei in einem staatlichen Krankenhaus untersuchen lassen. Uns wurde gesagt, dass das bestausgestattete staatliche Krankenhaus in Malatya ist. Wir flogen in etwa einer Stunde von Istanbul nach Malatya. Als wir im Turgut Ozal Medizinischen Zentrum ankamen, wurden wir an die Auslandsabteilung HTURK verwiesen. Während wir im Büro von HTURK saßen, wurden alle unsere Termine und Arztgespräche arrangiert. Ich kann sagen, dass wir hier die nützlichste Behandlung für meinen Sohn gefunden haben. Wir haben das Glück, ein Krankenhaus gefunden zu haben, in dem wir sowohl Zeit als auch Geld sparen können. Vielen Dank an das Personal von HTURK, Frau Sibel und unsere Dolmetscherin Frau Elif.

Beran S*******
My son was diagnosed with fatty liver. A doctor we know recommended Professor Doctor Sezai YILMAZ in Malatya, Turkey. After some research, we found that this institute is number one in the field of liver treatment. We contacted HTURK, the international patient department of the hospital. Before we even arrived at the hospital, all our appointments were made and everything was arranged. We had all the tests done without waiting in line. Now I understand better why this place is called the capital of liver transplants. It's an incredible complex. There is a separate building for the Liver Diseases and Transplant Institute. You can contact the doctors at any time. We were told to come back for my son's treatment in 6 months. They definitely have a very good system. Once you contact HTURK's international patient department, you feel very relieved. All my worries about my son's illness are completely gone. I hope all liver patients recover soon. Stay healthy.

M****** R******
I am Omar. My brother had a bone marrow transplant at this hospital. While researching, we learned that the Turgut Ozal Medical Center, Oncology Hospital is the center that performs the most bone marrow transplants in Turkey. We contacted the international patient department of HTURK and started our treatment. With HTURK, we had a consultation with the doctor without waiting in line. I became a donor for my brother. They have a very clean and elite office within the hospital. They were extremely attentive and concerned with us. Our doctor, Prof.DR. Mehmet Ali ERKURT was an excellent doctor. He explained our treatment and the process very well. The state hospital has incredibly high success rates. It is a very large complex hospital where you can meet all your needs within the hospital. We also thank HTURK for always welcoming us with a smile and being with us at every step of our treatment. My brother's health is quite good now. I would like to thank this hospital, HTURK for medical tourism, their doctors, nurses, and the entire team.

OMAR S****
لقد أجريت عملية زراعة الكبد في هذا المركز قبل ثلاث سنوات. والآن عدت لإجراء عملية تركيب الدعامة وإجراء الفحوصات الروتينية. البروفيسور الدكتور سزاي هو إنسان رائع. نهجه الدافئ والمهتم بمرضاه جعلني أشعر بالراحة. بعد الزرع، قام الممرضون والممرضات والمساعدون برعايتنا دائمًا. أنا ممتن جدًا لـ HTURK للسياحة الصحية. قبل وصولنا إلى ملاطيا، كانوا يتواصلون معنا عبر الهاتف. أجابوا على جميع أسئلتنا. قاموا بترتيب استشارة عبر الإنترنت مع الطبيب. استقبلونا من المطار وضمنوا إقامتنا المريحة في الفندق حتى يوم الزرع. تم توصيتنا بهذا المركز كالمركز الوحيد لإجراء زراعة الكبد. آمل أن يجد جميع مرضى الكبد الشفاء قريبًا.

H***** S*****
Azerbaycan'dan Malatya Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi'ne hastalığım için PetCT çektirmeye geldim. Hastalığımın ne kadar yayıldığını ve hangi boyutta olduğunu öğrenmek için çektirdim. Buradaki doktorlar çok ilgililer. Tüm her şeyi bir gün içinde hallettik. Yurtdışından gelen hasta olduğumuz için, hastanenin sağlık turizmi HTURK bize yardım etti. Her işimiz çok kolaylaştı. Çok teşekkür ederim.

Ali A*****
İnönü university karaciğer nakli enstitüsü дуйнодо боор алмаштыруу боюнча алдынкы ооруканалардын бири, ошол жерде иштеп келген доктор катары ишенимдуу айта алам, эн татаал операцияларды ийгиликтуу жасай алышат, тажрыйбалуу адамдар эмгектенишет. Дуйнодо кайчылаш бир убакта 7 боор биринчилерден болуп алмаштырган оорукана. 7 лик кайчылаш боор алмаштырууга мен дагы катышканым учун сыймыктанам. Бардык адамдарга ден соолук каалайм.

Aitnazarov Myktybek
Güncel Haberler

17 Yıldır Karaciğer Nakli Olmayı Bekleyen Gulızar, Dünya'da ilk ve tek olan ameliyat ile sağlığına kavuştu!

İtalya'dan Türkiye'nin En Büyük Onkoloji Hastanesi'ne tedavi yolculuğu

5.kez Altılı Çapraz Karaciğer Nakli Ameliyatı ile Dünya'da Tek!

Çoklu çapraz nakillerin Profesörü Dr. Sezai YILMAZ

Malatya’da 101. çocuk kemik iliği nakli başarıyla gerçekleştirildi