Liver Transplantation
The liver is an organ that regulates and controls the biochemical substances and metabolism necessary to sustain life in our body, produces the substances necessary for the body, removes or neutralizes harmful substances, and performs many other important functions. Liver failure develops if the liver cannot perform the above-mentioned processes or performs them less than it should. In this case, liver transplantation is a very important treatment option for the patient to survive.
2.Diseases requiring Liver Transplantation:
I. Acute and Chronic Hepatitis (Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C)
II. Acute Liver Failure
III. Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH)
IV. Cirrhosis
V. Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (HPS)
VI. Non Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
VII. Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)
VIII. Liver Cancer
IX. Metabolic Diseases (Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, Hemochromatosis, Tyrosinemia Wilson’s Disease)
X. Alcoholic Liver Disease
3. Symptoms of Liver Diseases:
-Itching on the skin
-Brain dysfunction
-Blood in stool
-Dark urine
-Acid deposition
-Yellowing of eyes or skin
-Slowing down in perception and expression
-Ecstasy or depression
In addition, there are unknown causes of liver failure.
Someone with these symptoms or diseases can regain their health with a liver transplant. Liver transplantation allows a person to return to a normal, active and productive life. It is aimed to ensure that both the patient and the donor return to their pre-operative performance. The success rates of liver transplants performed in our center are above world standards.Also, the liver, unlike other organs in the body, is the only organ that can regenerate itself after most of it is removed.
Liver Paired Exchange
Lending a Hand to One Another
Even if a donor and their intended recipient are medically incompatible, they might still be compatible with another patient. Similarly, a patient may be compatible with the donor of another patient even if they are incompatible with their own. In these cases, patients can use donor exchanges to obtain a medically compatible donor. Liver paired exchange refers to this procedure, in which two or more patients switch donors to guarantee each recipient receives a transplant that is medically compatible.
The success of our hospital internationally:
Our liver hospital has achieved many firsts around the world.
It has become the center of liver transplantation with the successful double, triple, quadruple, quintuple and most recently the first and only six-cross liver transplant in the world. While these surgeries are very difficult to perform on the same day and at the same time in other European countries, they are performed as a routine procedure at our İnönü University Liver Transplant Institute.
Our hospital, which is the address for triple, quadruple and quintuple cross liver transplants globally, has provided hope of life to more than 3500 patients to date.
Our hospital will continue on its way with
such successes and many more.